Principle and main characteristics of Air cooler


Source: YiYi air cooler

Cooling Principle: The industrial evaporative air cooler operates on the principle of evaporative cooling. When the fan runs, it creates negative pressure inside the chamber, drawing outside air through the porous, wet surface of the cooling pads. As the air passes through the pads, its dry-bulb temperature drops closer to the wet-bulb temperature of the outside air. This results in a drop of 5-12°C (up to 15°C in hot and dry regions) in the temperature of the air exiting the cooler compared to the outside air. The hotter and drier the air, the more significant the temperature difference and the better the cooling effect. Since fresh air is continually drawn from outside into the room (a positive pressure system), indoor air remains fresh. Additionally, due to the evaporative cooling principle, the cooler provides dual functions of cooling and humidifying, with the relative humidity reaching up to 75%. This makes it ideal for use in workshops like textile and knitting factories, not only improving the cooling and humidity conditions but also purifying the air, reducing the rate of needle breakage during the spinning process, and enhancing the quality of textile products.

Principle and main characteristics of Air cooler

Principle and main characteristics of Air cooler

The cooler is equipped with honeycomb cooling pads made of special materials, which have a large surface area. The water circulation system keeps the cooling pads continuously moist. Inside the cooler, there is a high-efficiency, low-noise, energy-saving fan. When the fan operates, it generates negative pressure, drawing outside air through the porous, wet cooling pads. As the water on the pads evaporates, it absorbs heat, cooling the air passing through the pads. At the same time, the evaporation of water into the air increases humidity, giving the cooler the dual functions of cooling and humidification.

Principle and main characteristics of Air cooler

Features of Industrial Evaporative Air Cooler:

 Environmentally Friendly: This product is eco-friendly, operating without a compressor, refrigerant, or pollution. It uses the principle of outdoor fresh air evaporation cooling to achieve ventilation and cooling indoors.

Low Operating Costs: The cooler has significantly lower operating costs compared to traditional compressor-based air conditioning systems, consuming only 1/8 to 1/10 of the electricity.

Principle and main characteristics of Air cooler

Effective Cooling: In humid areas (such as southern regions), the cooler typically achieves a noticeable temperature drop of 5-9°C. In particularly hot and dry regions (such as northern and northwestern areas), the cooling range can reach 10-15°C.

Principle and main characteristics of Air cooler

Low Investment Costs and Space Efficiency: The cost is less than half of a traditional compressor air conditioning system, and the equipment does not occupy any building space.

Clean and Hygienic Indoor Air: The cooler’s design allows for open-door operation, ensuring 100% fresh air circulation, keeping the indoor environment fresh and natural without the discomfort associated with traditional air conditioning. It also effectively expels stale air from the room.

Easy Maintenance and Installation: The system is simple and can be quickly installed and maintained without the need for specialized maintenance personnel.

Prevents Air Dryness: The cooler humidifies the air, which can moisturize the skin and provide some skin benefits.

Low Noise and Vibration: Among similar products in the market, this cooler stands out for its low noise, providing a fresh breeze in a quiet environment. The unit itself does not emit heat to the surroundings.

Principle and main characteristics of Air cooler

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